What You Need to Know
- The correlation did not hold for investors who merely rated their own investment knowledge highly.
Investors who know more — and not just think they do — pay lower fees, according to a report released Friday by the FINRA Investor Education Foundation.
The study investigates how investing knowledge, objectively measured and self-assessed, is associated with the amount of fees that investors report paying in non-retirement investment accounts.
Researchers measured objective investing knowledge using answers to 10 multiple-choice questions about specific investment scenarios. They measured self-assessed investing knowledge by asking participants to rate their own investing knowledge on a scale of 1 to 7.
Inside the Research
The study found that investors who correctly answered more investing knowledge questions reported paying lower fees. The mean investing knowledge score was 5.7 (out of 10) for investors who reported paying less than 0.5% in fees, compared with 3.65 for those who reported paying 4% or more.
This association between objective knowledge and investment fees paid persisted even after researchers controlled for demographic characteristics, including gender, ethnicity, marital status, age, educational attainment, income, employment status, non-retirement account portfolio value and the survey year.