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Donor Advised Funds

Learn about the advantages of charitable giving through donor-advised funds as well the latest news and analysis individual DAFs and the increasingly popular philanthropic strategy they represent.


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Why Clients Decide to Donate Publicly or Anonymously
SEC Fines Prudential Units for Misleading Fund Boards
2 Tax-Smart Charitable Giving Strategies for the New Tax Era
Advised DIY Clients' Balances Way Ahead of Non-Advised Clients': Study
Dawn Bennett Appeals 20-Year Prison Sentence


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Women's Funds Lure More Engaged Donors
How Donor-Advised Funds Can Amp Up Their Giving Power
Self-Directed 401(k) Investors Fare Better With Advice: Schwab
Who the Wealthiest Charity Donors Supported in 2018
Record Grant-Making at Fidelity Charitable, National Philanthropic Trust