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Tax Reform

Learn about the latest tax reform developments and their potential impact on your clients' income, portfolios and financial plans more broadly.


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House Dems Revive Bill to Close Carried-Interest Loophole
Bernie Sanders Floats New Estate Tax Bill
New Bill Revives GOP Push to Repeal Estate Tax
Debate: Should Congress Cap the Pass-Through Tax Deduction for Businesses?
IRS Seeks Feedback on Tax Treatment of NFTs


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Sens. Warren, Sanders Urge Crackdown on Trusts
Debate: Would Biden’s Proposed Payroll Tax Hike Protect Medicare’s Solvency?
Debate: Should Retirement Tax Benefits Be Cut to Support Social Security?
12 Tax Changes in Biden’s $7T Budget
Debate: Should Multimillion-Dollar 401(k)s, IRAs Be Reported to the IRS?