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Donor Advised Funds

Learn about the advantages of charitable giving through donor-advised funds as well the latest news and analysis individual DAFs and the increasingly popular philanthropic strategy they represent.


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Schwab Charitable Grants Rose 13% in Fiscal 2021, Setting Record
Fidelity Charitable: Donor Grants Surged 27% in First Half
How to Prepare for a Retroactive Capital Gains Tax Hike
Donor-Advised Funds’ Surge May Have Cost Charities $300B Over 5 Years: Study
Fidelity Charitable Wins Lawsuit Over Stock Donation


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Donor-Advised Fund Grants Surging Amid Pandemic
Donors Rise to COVID-19 Challenge
Fidelity Charitable Ends DAF Account Minimums
Should Clients Donate Now or Later?
Schwab Charitable Donors Granted 33% More Money This Year