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Social Security Funding

The latest news and developments affecting Social Security funding, and how legislative moves may help or hurt the program.


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Americans More Optimistic About Social Security: Gallup
Alicia Munnell Praises DOL Rollover Rule, Blasts New Social Security 2100 Act
9 Questions You'll Get at Holiday Parties in 2023
Here's How Long the CDC Expects Your Clients to Live Now
House Panel to Take Up Bill to 'Fast Track' Social Security Cuts


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The Real State of the Social Security Program
7 Benefit Adjustments That Could Help Save Social Security
7 Money-Raisers That Could Help Save Social Security (If We Act Now)
Retirement Master Class Part 3 (of 3): Social Security
Here's the Size of Social Security Cuts if Congress Doesn't Act Soon: CRFB