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Harry Dent

News on economic forecaster Harry Dent, known as the "Contrarian's Contrarian," and his often-gloomy market predictions. He is the founder of HS Dent Investment Management.


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Harry Dent: ‘Crash of a Lifetime’ Coming in 2024
Harry Dent: ‘Crash of a Lifetime’ Coming After ‘One More New Low’
Harry Dent: Crash of a Lifetime Is Here; Sell Stocks Now
Harry Dent: Market Crash Has Begun; ‘Fireworks’ to Blow by June
Harry Dent's Stock Market, Economic Predictions, 1999-2021: How Did They Turn Out?


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Harry Dent: Stock Market Crash Coming in Early 2022; ‘Economy Is Dead’
Harry Dent: Stock Market Crash Likely Within 3 Months
Harry Dent: ‘Biggest Crash Ever’ Likely by End of June
Harry Dent: Market Crash Coming in 2-3 Years; Economy ‘Already Dead’
Harry Dent Predicted ‘Once-in-a-Lifetime’ Crash by 2020. What Now?